Draft 4

 Teacher’s Month

The month-long appreciation of teachers’ efforts, sacrifice and influence on the society is bannered under the theme “Together4Teachers,” within the auspices of the DepEd Central Office, in coordination with the National Teachers’ Month Coordinating Council (NTMCC).

The celebration aims to honor those who are in the teaching profession; acknowledge and give emphasis on the crucial role, loyal service, and dedicated commitment of teachers in developing globally-minded citizens, nurturing families, strengthening communities, and building the nation; revitalize the image of and respect for teaching as a vocation by increasing public awareness on the value of teachers in the Philippine society; take the occasion as an opportunity in building the image of teaching as an attractive and fulfilling profession; generate widespread support and assistance for teachers; and express gratitude for the positive influences on Filipino learners.

In line with this, the DepEd Regional Office III shall conduct the 2019 Regional Search for  Outstanding Teachers and School Heads with the following categories: Outstanding Kindergarten Teachers, Outstanding Elementary Teachers, Outstanding Secondary Teachers, Outstanding Elementary School Heads, Outstanding Secondary School Heads, and Outstanding School Heads of Integrated Schools.

The Regional Search aims to give special recognition to teachers and school heads who manifest profound commitment, exemplary competence, and remarkable dedication to their work.


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